Nobody loves me


Loves me

Nobody loves me I'm all alone

Nobody loves me

I'm just a broken doll in this cold home

Nobody makes me coffee

I drink it all alone

From an empty cup

From an empty cup

Nobody loves me and it makes me want to kill you

kill you

kill you

kill you

Nobody loves me as I dance alone in my room

and it makes me wanna kill you

kill you

Nobody loves a broken doll as I look out my window



Nobody loves me so I bought a Bazooka from the dark web

Nobody loves me not even her why would she?

I'm a doll with a bazooka

Dancing alone in this house what is even wrong with me?

I need to close the windows

what if everybody knows?

Its too late I'm a weirdo living like this with a broken cup

A broken doll

Everythings gonna fall down

Everyone needs to die in this town

After I have another cup of coffee

Maybe this coffee is good? Oh...

My cup its empty

so empty

my cup is empty

so empty

so empty

So empt

My cup is empty

I'm a doll all alone with a bazooka

All alone with a bazooka



This song is about growing up and being isolated

emotionally- feeling like you are alone no matter

how many people are around you or what that

tell you- at the end of the day you feel alone-

some doll boys get so angry at their loneliness

it turns to anger and they want to KILL YOU.

Some do unfortunately. This is our doll

boy still near the start of his journey-

feeling betrayed after being rejected

by his Anime Hero.

Composed by: Some Other Guy

Lyrics by: Some Other Guy

Orchestration by: Some Other Guy

Additional Orchestration: Larissa Skrimsli

Vocals by: Some Other Guy

Mix/master: Yeltsin Is Illuminati

Body mocap: Some Other Guy

Music made in: Reason 12 + Kontakt + Reaktor

Voice changing by: Audimee

Body mocap: Perception Neuron 3

Directed/animated in: Unity 2021 + Slate

Rendered outta: RTX 4090

Face mocap: Unity Face Capture

Edited in: Davinci Resolve Studio
