Anime Zero

I used to be an anime hero

Until my world died

I used to be an anime hero now I work on the roadside

I used to be a high flying amazing laser hero

Now the cars pass me by

like a zero

like I was never a hero

oh my oh my

Life just doesn't want me to be an anime hero

no one to save not a pet or a lady oh no

Life just doesn't want me to be a hero to anyone

So I just work on the roadside and do nothing for fun

Life doesn't want me to be a hero anymore

Maybe I'll get a better job and work at your local liquor store

No one to save no one to save I'm just a slave on the roadside

Without a cape so I just stand around and vape

No one to save I'm just a slave

Working away everyday

Wish I had someone to save me

Save me

Save me

Save me



This former Anime Hero who is now an Anime

Zero complains about being washed up and

wanting someone to save him. He’s supposed

to be a hero tho. He’s so caught up in his own

drama feeling sorry for himself he doesn’t

notice the doll boy looking up to him as a

hero. He had a chance to save himself by

being selfless but his ego led him

deeper into self loathing so he fails

and falls again in an endless cycle.

The disappointment causes the

doll boy to buy a bazooka on

the dark web to kill you.

Composed by: Some Other Guy

Lyrics by: Some Other Guy

Orchestration by: Some Other Guy

Additional Orchestration: Larissa Skrimsli

Vocals by: Some Other Guy

Mix/master: Yeltsin Is Illuminati

Body mocap: Some Other Guy

Face mocap: Some Other Guy


Music made in: Reason 12 + Kontakt + Reaktor

Voice changing by: Audimee

Body mocap: Perception Neuron 3

Directed/animated in: Unity 2021 + Slate

Rendered outta: RTX 4090

Face mocap: Unity Face Capture

Edited in: Davinci Resolve Studio