Hard days work

HArd days


In a hard days work dealing with gold it gets old

In a hard days work I walk and I walk on why must

I toil away

In a hard days work my back is sore and I'm alone in a tiny homestay

In a hard days work I'm left with the pain but not with the pay ay

I dont know just what just I'm workin for

feet hurt so much from stompin on the floor

While I walk all day backwards for sales to the herd

I don't like my life but I'm nobodys wife so I have to pay the bills some how or face the knife

the knife

At the end of the day I leave my weight behind

for one minute I feel alive

At the end of the day as the lights come on

I feel alive for one second before the hope is gone

Im gettin older Im getting colder I dont feel like I'm anyone anymore

Im gettin older Im getting colder and I'm still alone



This song is a difficult one to comment on/explain as its inspired by the perceived

perspective of a few different archetypes that

I mixed into one character. When you tell stories

and make characters you have to “become”

other people to do it well I believe. I’d say this song was inspired by people I know and

from when I used to work “hard labor”


Composed by: Some Other Guy

Lyrics by: Some Other Guy

Orchestration by: Some Other Guy

Additional Orchestration: Larissa Skrimsli

Vocals by: Larissa Skrimsli

Mix/master: Yeltsin Is Illuminati

Body mocap: Some Other Guy

Face mocap: Larissa Skrimsli


Music made in: Reason 12 + Kontakt + Reaktor

Voice changing by: Audimee

Body mocap: Perception Neuron 3

Directed/animated in: Unity 2021 + Slate

Rendered outta: RTX 4090

Face mocap: Unity Face Capture

Edited in: Davinci Resolve Studio