(Doll boy)
We can fight
we'll probably die
but what else is there
to live for?
(Backwards woman)
We can fight
we'll probably die
what else is there
to live for?
(Strange girl)
We can fight we'll probably die
what else is there
to live for?
We can fight
we'll probably die
what else is there to live for
but life itself?
(Anime hero)
Life itself
wants me fighting
riding high
on destiny’s wings
Life itself
wants me not hiding
but fighting
for life itself
pain and help me
help myself
depressed and pressed
into the ground
Life wants me
falling and standing
to fall and stand
side by side
with my friends
I will fall
but I'll stand again
side by side
with my
again and again
Doomed creatures
muck about at my feet
doomed creatures
will all fade away
they can never climb
high enough to reach me
death will come
to you all
insignificant people
by the hands
of the
king of evil
I used all my tools
and all my grit
to stop you
king of evil
who crawled from the pit
face my giant robot
with the head of a doll
like the boy
whose existence you toy with
face his fist
and be hurt
like you hurt us so
you must feel the pain
that you bring and know
I'm old and I'm tired
that’s as much as I can sing
Take it from here anime hero
I know you're waiting to play
the part
you were born for
you're not a zero
so step through the door
and save the kid
and save the girls
and save the world
You can fight
you'll probably die
but what else is there to live for
but live itself?
He's a hero king
not a zero friend
he'll be sure
to make you meet
your final end ing
I'm done now
no more
can I sing
(Anime hero)
I can fight
I'll probably die
what else is there
to live for
but life itself?
for a zero like me
used to be an anime hero
I'm ready to die
I finally have a why
Someone to save me
from a life of safety and regret
I'll never forget
good deeds
done for a depressed hero
in need
(Anime Hero)
We can fight
we'll probably die
but what else is there
to live for?
We can fight
we'll probably die
what else is there
to live for?
We can fight
we'll probably die
but what else is there
to live for?
We can fight
we'll probably die
but what else is there to live for
but life itself?
(Anime hero)
King of evil
be afraid
you will kneel
Anime hero
your fate is sealed
(Anime hero)
King of evil
your end is near
just give up
Anime hero
I am eternal
evil overcomes
your petty luck
(Anime hero)
King of evil
we have hope and trust
prepare yourself
to become dust
Anime hero
your light is dim
forever in darkness
you will soon swim
(Anime hero)
King of evil
now meet your end
with an attack
from the soul
of my tiny doll
Anime hero
light friendship and trust
has truly turned the king of evil
Some times you have to stand up for what you believe in- sometimes you have to fight for it- What else is there to fight and live for but life itself? “Life” means different things to different people- “Life” to one person
could seem like a depressing soulless
prison to another person. We have to
define what “life” means to ourselves
and whether we are going to fight
for it when the time comes.
If you don’t fight for your
“life” all you’ll get is “death”
Composed by: Some Other Guy
Lyrics by: Some Other Guy
Orchestration by: Some Other Guy
Additional orchestration: Larissa Skrimsli
Vocals by: Some Other Guy, ÝRÝ, Larissa Skrimsli
Mix/master: Yeltsin Is Illuminati
Body mocap: Some Other Guy
Face mocap: Some Other Guy, ÝRÝ, Larissa Skrimsli
Music made in: Reason 12 + Kontakt + Reaktor
Voice changing by: Audimee
Body mocap: Perception Neuron 3
Directed/animated in: Unity 2021 + Slate
Rendered outta: RTX 4090
Face mocap: Unity Face Capture
Edited in: Davinci Resolve Studio