Carry you further



(backwards woman)

I'll carry you further

then you've ever been you'll see

the places you'll go with me

just ride along and we will

Go anywhere you want to be

I'll carry you further

and on and on

just hold on to me

hold on to the seat don't fall

let me carry you further Mr. doll

I'll carry you further

I don't even care that you committed murder

I'll carry you further

you'll see walking backwards for you

bending over backwards for you

say any kind of words for you

doing anything for you

just let me carry you

a little further

(doll boy)

Thank you for carrying me so far

I don't deserve to be treated like a star

I killed all those people

I was perturbed

I'm a real murderer

though I couldn’t even kill that girl

I was so lonely I hated the world so

There's only one place I need to go

He told me the truth

I ran away like a coward with an aching tooth

I went on to kill those people in my wake

I deserve to be at the bottom of a lake

(backwards woman)

I wanna carry you further

though I heard your words

I know their right

I wanna carry you further

just you and I

just you and I

But I'll take you to the one that can make this right

even though I want to steal your helpless body

disappear into the night

just you and I

just you and I

just you and I

I wanna carry you further

just you and I

just you and I

disappear into the night

and you'll need me forever

need me forever please need me forever

so I'm never alone

In the moonlight I'm a blue stone

shining on its own

carrying somebody more damaged than me

I'll carry you further

I'll carry you further

you'll see

you'll see

you'll see



Love is hard because you protect but you can’t control- once you start controlling its not love any more but an authoritarian regime. The unscrupulous/evil might be ok

with that but at some point you have to let

go. As hard as you may try you can’t make

other peoples dreams come true for

them- you have to stop carrying

them- release them and let them

try on their own.

Composed by: Some Other Guy

Lyrics by: Some Other Guy

Orchestration by: Some Other Guy

Additional Orchestration : Larissa Skrimsli

Vocals by: Larissa Skrimsli

Mix/master: Yeltsin Is Illuminati

Body mocap: Some Other Guy

Face mocap: Larissa Skrimsli

Music made in: Reason 12 + Kontakt + Reaktor

Voice changing by: Audimee

Body mocap: Perception Neuron 3

Directed/animated in: Unity 2021 + Slate

Rendered outta: RTX 4090

Face mocap: Unity Face Capture

Edited in: Davinci Resolve Studio
